Scott Dauenhauer CFP, MSFP, AIF is the Principal and Owner of Meridian Wealth Management.

Teacher’s Advocate Blog – Blog on teacher retirement plans.

Scott has been mentioned in many books and is often quoted in the financial media including the Wall Street Journal, Smart Money magazine, Kiplingers, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Orange County Register, San Diego Union Tribune, Bloomberg, MarketWatch, CNNMoney and the Kiplinger Retirement Newsletter.

Scott runs The Meridian Blog, a widely read blog that explores personal finance, macro-economics and investments.  He was recently awarded the FORERUNNER award for being a “Financial Industry Innovator”.

“Secrets of the Wirehouse” was written by Scott several years ago after leaving Wall Street to work for Main Street, it generated a lot of buzz and landed him a profile in the New York Times Bestseller, The Number.  Scott also co-wrote The 403(b) Wise Guide and helped with the follow up book, Teach and Retire Rich, by Dan Otter.

Scott released a book titled Wild West: Providing Fiduciary Advice to Public School Employees in 2016.

Scott is a nationally recognized speaker on financial planning and investment issues as well as a well known expert on the inner workings of Government Defined Contribution Plans.


The world of financial planning and investment management can be very complex.  It really is another language, one that most don’t want to learn.  Our goal is to make the complex seem simple and to help educate you about your money.  The decisions you make today in regards to your money will shape your future.  Choosing the right advisor is extremely important.

Financial planning is the cornerstone of any good financial relationship, without it you have no direction.  Our goal is to provide direction for your goals and to integrate that with your money decisions.
Choosing the right portfolio manager for your money today will ensure a bright future.  We have a unique portfolio management philosophy that we believe provides the best probability of meeting your goals.

Service and communication are the keys to any good relationship.  Choosing a firm with high service standards and reasonable costs will provide you with peace of mind in addition to financial security.